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FRCI Attends Ocean Accounts Task Force Meeting

Ditulis oleh Admin | 31 August 2024


Indonesia's commitment to implementing the Marine Resources Account needs to be appreciated after a long process. This process is not over yet, there are still many things that need to be studied and developed. Collaboration between state agencies/ministries (Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Geospatial Information Agency, The Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Finance, Bappenas) and various non-governmental organizations (Rekam Nusantara Foundation, Conservation Strategy Fund, World Resources Institute) continues to progress well. Through the “Ocean Accounts Task Force Meeting) held in Jakarta on August 16, 2024, each state institution/ministry and NGO presented their achievements for the 2024 period. The meeting also discussed opportunities for support from WRI Indonesia and the Conservation Strategy Foundation in the preparation of the Ocean Resource Accounts.

The Directorate of Ecosystem and Aquatic Biota Conservation provided direction regarding targets to be completed and future development. The directions include the team needs to complete the Ocean Accounts (OA) survey in the pilot area, collaborate with the provincial government with support from the Conservation Strategy Foundation and the World Resources Institute, and apply Ocean Accounts outside the Conservation Area. The meeting also discussed the achievements made by the Thematic Geospatial Information (IGT) Working Group, Environmental Resource Assessment Working Group, Governance and Policy Adoption Working Group, Data Management Working Group, and partners involved. The achievements that have been presented will then be compiled into a comprehensive 3-year report of the OA working group activities.

In the future, the Indonesian Geospatial Agency (BIG) is mapping future plans related to Ocean Accounts activities in 2024 and 2025 with 3 mapping themes namely mangroves, coral reefs and seagrasses. Not only that, BIG also plans to collaborate and coordinate with partners involved so that the scope of field surveys can be wider, but still use the same data standards and methodologies. In line with this, other institutions/ministries involved are also focusing on the preparation related to Maritime GDP, integrating the program with local governments, and so on that support the realization of Ocean Accounts  in Indonesia.

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