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Implementation of Ocean Accounts for Marine Protected Areas

Ditulis oleh Admin | 30 August 2024


Ocean Accounts is a data management program that describes marine resource assets, interactions and changes over time in a region. At a side event at the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development, we attended discussions with various experts and governments regarding the future implementation of Ocean Accounts. This event was held on July 1-5, 2024 in Bali.

The discussion was moderated by Prayekti Ningtias from Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara. FRCI represented by Annisya Rosdiana (Ocean Accounts Project Leader) presented a presentation related to the development of Ocean Accounts for MPA management in Indonesia. The discussion was also filled by Firdaus Agung (Director of Marine Conservation and Diversity - KKP), Hassan Mohamed (Deputy Minister - Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy, Maldives), and Victor Nikijuluw (Senior Program Advisor - Konservasi Indonesia). The Ocean Accounts framework is currently being developed to include a cost benefit analysis to support the 30x45 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The 30x45 Conservation Area is Indonesia's commitment to expand its conservation target to 30% of Indonesia's waters by 2045.

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