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FRCI Introduces Blue Carbon Project at Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development

Ditulis oleh Admin | 26 August 2024


Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia attended the side event of the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development. The event was organized by IUCN with the theme “Paving the way for private sector finance support to blue carbon ecosystem conservation and restoration: Meet the Blue Carbon Accelerator Fund (BCAF) project developers, management team and partners”. The event, held on July 4, 2024 in Bali, was also attended by various Blue Carbon Accelerator Fund (BCAF) project implementers. Blue carbon has always been a hot issue that needs to be continuously studied and researched. The various benefits and importance of blue carbon in the ecosystem make this activity interesting.

Dr. Heidi Retnoningtyas as Director of FRCI became a panelist who specifically conveyed the current project, namely “Community Resilience Through Blue Carbon Framework in Indonesia”. This project focuses on empowering communities in Central Java and West Nusa Tenggara in implementing and realizing mangrove and seagrass conservation. To date, FRCI has conducted environmental calculations mainly on ecosystem area, carbon sequestration, fisheries data calculations, ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation activities, improved governance, and support for community livelihoods.

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