Home / Kegiatan / frci-brin-ipb-university-dan-ykan-beri-pelatihan-pendugaan-stok-sumber-daya-ikan-kepada-staf-kkp
Ditulis oleh Admin | 25 March 2024
Currently, 35% of Indonesia's fish resources are over-exploited, while 54% are fully exploited. Therefore, a fish stock assessment is needed to provide scientific information in the conservation and management of fish resources. The Directorate of Fish Resources Management of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Dit. PSDI KKP) in collaboration with BRIN, IPB University, Rekam Nusantara Foundation unit Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia (FRCI), and Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) held a Data Analysis Training for Fish Resources Stock Estimation. The activity, which was carried out at the FRCI Office on March 20-22, 2024, aimed to increase the capacity of fisheries managers in collecting and analyzing fisheries data to support fisheries management in Indonesia.
The training was attended by 12 staff of capture fisheries production managers and fish resource analysts involved in fisheries management at the provincial and national levels. The training material included 9 modules, consisting of:
- Module 1: Introduction to Fisheries Management in Indonesia, by Aris Budiarto (Dit. PSDI KKP)
- Module 2: Science Policy Nexus, Research Design and Data Collection, by Moh. Natsir (BRIN)
- Module 3: Introduction to Fish Stock Assessment, by Prof. Budy Wiryawan (Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, IPB University)
- Module 4: Fish Stock Assessment with a holistic approach, by Moh. Natsir (BRIN)
- Module 5: Installation and Introduction to R, by Irfan Yulianto (FRCI and IPB University)
- Module 6: Estimating CPUE with GLM, by Irfan Yulianto (FRCI and IPB University)
- Module 7: PIPP and e-logbooks data exploration with Rstudio, by Siska Agustina (YKAN)
- Module 8: Introduction to Fish Stock Assessment using fish length data approach, by Moh. Natsir (BRIN)
- Module 9: Length Indicators in Fisheries Management, by Moh. Natsir (BRIN)
In addition, the training participants also participated in data analysis practice and trials, guided by Siska Agustina, Irfan Yulianto, Moh. Natsir, and Intan D. Hartati (FRCI).
Through this activity, FRCI hopes to bridge the gap between scientific research and policy implementation, and ensure that fisheries management strategies in Indonesia are based on scientific principles.