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Fishery Big Data Processing Internship Program

Ditulis oleh Admin | 30 September 2022


Currently, data regarding capture fisheries are still scattered in several government and non-government agencies; thus, competent human resources are needed to process and integrate these data into information that stakeholders and the public, in general, can understand. To deal with this issue, the Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia is holding an internship program for processing fisheries big data.

This internship program is specifically for students or fresh graduates with basic fisheries knowledge. The program is conducted offline and runs for five months, between August and December 2022, at the Rekam Nusantara Foundation Office. This program aims to improve the capacity of participants in processing fisheries data, including data collection, analysis, and report preparation. Participants is given the opportunity to become contributors to scientific journals. This program is supervised by experts from BRIN and IPB, as well as practitioners in the field of marine and fisheries.

The internship program has been attended by 4 participants who have successfully passed the selection stage. The participants are 1) Randy Cassandra Risnandar (Undergraduate student of the Fisheries Department, Universitas Brawijaya), 2) Daisy Rahma Rizal (Graduate student of FPIK IPB), 3) Yasmin Azizah (Undergraduate student of the Fisheries Department, Universitas Brawijaya), and 4) Ghina Suci Nur Adnina (Undergraduate student of Marine Sciences, IPB). After conducting the internship program, the participants are expected to gain data analysis skills for fisheries management.


assw. maaf mengganggu, sy rizal, dosen perikanan di FPIK UTU Aceh Barat, apa boleh juga untuk mahasiswa FPIK kami untuk dapat magang juga selama 1 smster d tempat bpk bpk

02 October 2022

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