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FRCI Provided Training in the Technical Guidance on Conservation Area Fisheries Data Analysis

Ditulis oleh Admin | 20 January 2023


The Technical Guidance on Conservation Area Fisheries Data Analysis was a training held by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at All Sedayu Hotel Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, on December 13-14, 2022. The training was provided by Irfan Yulianto and Siska Agustina from the Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia (FRCI). The event’s participants were the Technical implementation Unit staff and the Directorate of Conservation and Marine Biodiversity, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

During this occasion, the training materials were fisheries management, fisheries science, and fisheries data processing using RStudio to model and describe fishery stocks. These skills and knowledge were expected to support the management and policy making of sustainable fisheries in conservation areas.

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