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The Importance of Local Government's Role in Fisheries Monitoring

Ditulis oleh Admin | 04 September 2024


Fisheries monitoring activities are important in ensuring that fisheries business actors can comply with all applicable laws. The government's efforts in this regard are stated in Law No. 23/2014 which gives authority to the Provincial Government in the management and supervision of fisheries resources up to a limit of 12 nautical miles and the Regency / City government which is authorized to manage public waters and land areas. However, fisheries supervision is still not implemented optimally. This condition is suspected by the unpreparedness of the region in conducting and implementing its authority in fisheries supervision (human resources, infrastructure, etc.). Therefore, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries through the Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Resources Surveillance provides guidance and development of fisheries monitoring.

This Coordination Meeting was held on August 29-30, 2024 in Malang City, East Java. The activity was attended by 25 people from various representatives of Ministries/Institutions, Provincial Governments, City Governments, and NGOs. This interesting discussion discussed several materials including

1. Policies on strengthening regional fisheries surveillance

2. Regional government authority on fisheries surveillance

3. Regional regulations, norms, standards, procedures and criterias

4. Formulation of FGD on coordination of regional fisheries surveillance

This discussion is expected to illustrate steps that can be taken by local governments in implementing fisheries monitoring and recommendations for fisheries resource monitoring policies in various regions.

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