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FRCI Attended the Discussion on the Preparation for the "Guidelines on the Carrying Capacity of Marine Protected Areas Utilization" Draft

Ditulis oleh Admin | 03 March 2023


As a follow up to the discussion of the preparation for the "Guidelines on the Carrying Capacity of Marine Protected Areas Utilization" draft which is approaching its final draft, a meeting was held on Thursday, February 23, 2023 at Salak Boutique Hotel, Bogor using offline and online platforms. This event was attended by 10 participants from the Directorate of Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (DMBC) of the MMAF, WWF Indonesia, WCS Indonesia, and Rekam Nusantara Foundation unit Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia (FRCI).

This carrying capacity guideline document is a renewal of the Director General of Marine Spatial Management Regulation No.11/2014 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Technical Planning for Utilization of Coastal Waters and Small Islands Marine Protected Areas. The document preparation process is still ongoing, due to the need for improvement in the technical calculation in data analysis. The meeting for the document’s finalization will be held at the end of March 2023, in hopes that this guideline can be completed this year and become the new Director General of Marine Spatial Management Regulation.

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