Home / Kegiatan / dukung-pengelolaan-perikanan-berkelanjutan-frci-mempresentasikan-tiga-judul-pada-international-seminar-on-demersal-and-crustacean-fisheries-management
Ditulis oleh Admin | 04 August 2023
Crustaceans and demersal fish are important fishery commodities and have high economic value in Indonesia, which makes them in need of effective and sustainable management. For this reason, the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), IPB University together with the IPB International Collaboration Office, the Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Association (APRI), and the Indonesia Demersal Association (ADI) held an International Seminar on Demersal and Crustacean Fisheries Management which on August 2-3, 2023 at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor.
The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Arif Satria as the Rector of IPB University, Prof. Dr. Fredinan Yulianda as Dean of FPIK IPB University, and Prof. Dr. Hefni Effendi as Head of the MSP Department of IPB University. This seminar is also attended by 6 keynote speakers, namely Dr. Agus Suherman, Amber Von Harten, Prof. Dr. Luky Adrianto, Polly Burns, Dr. Peter Mous, and Kuncoro Catur Nugroho who presented various topics related to the conservation and management of demersal fish and crustaceans.
On this occasion, the Fisheries Resource Center of Indonesia (FRCI) presented three papers, which are: 1) Improving Fisheries Management Through Participatory Data Collection: A Case Study from the Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries in Rembang presented by Oktavianto P. Darmono, 2) Alternative Approaches to Determining Demersal Fisheries Status in FMA 712 in Data Limited Situation: Combining Length Based and Bayesian Surplus Production Model Estimation presented by Daisy Rahma Rizal, and 3) Assessment on Demersal Fisheries Status in FMA 573 Under Data-Limited Situation: A Combination of Statistics and CPUE Data as Inputs for Bayesian Surplus Production Model presented by Yasmin Azizah.
Through FRCI's participation in this seminar, it is hoped that fisheries management based on scientific data can be implemented in Indonesia so that crustacean and demersal fish stocks remain sustainable.