
Sustainable Fisheries and Conservation

To support effective management of fisheries and conservation areas, reliable data and information are essentials in policy formulation. FRCI, through the support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF/FAO) ISLME Project, assists the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) in reviewing management plans of the Fisheries Management Areas in Indonesia (WPPNRI) 712 and 573, as well as improving data collection and management of crab fisheries through a pilot project in Demak District, Central Java Province. In addition, FRCI also supports the management of demersal fisheries in WPPNRI 713 and 573, especially in West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, and Bali, through data collection, preparation of scientific studies, and recommendations for fisheries improvement programs. COREMAP-CTI and the Ocean Stewardship Fund also support this initiative.

In regards to marine conservation, FRCI is currently assisting local governments and communities in managing marine conservation areas in South Sulawesi (Liyukang Tanggaya) and Central Java (Ujung Negoro, Karang Jeruk, Karang Jahe and Pulau Panjang) with support from The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, the provincial government, and the Directorate for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation - MMAF. Furthermore, FRCI supports the Indonesian government for the realization of 30x30, a global initiative to assign 30% of terrestrial and marine habitat as designated conservation areas by 2030.

Presently, FRCI is also executing various programs to handle issues such as destructive fishing, unsustainable fishing, and illegal wildlife trade to support sustainable fisheries management which is focused on WPPNRI 712 and 713. This initiative is carried out with the support of Oceans5.
